April 2024 Newsletter

Newsletter for April 2024
Thank you!
Thank you to Carl and Julie for making Prosphora in March!
Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care.
Thank you to Rusty, John, Arlo, Stephanie, Patrick, and Logan for chanting.
Thank you to Dan, Kam, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar.
Thank you to Sarah for organizing all of our Coffee Hour meals and for Scarlett, Diana, Stephanie J, Natasha, and Julie for assistance. If you see these wonderful ladies, please tell them "thank you"!
Thank you to all of the new inquirers and catechumens who are showing up and participating in all that is offered. 
• Reader James (Rusty) is hosting an Orthodoxy 101 class on Thursdays from 6-7pm in the community hall at the parish.
Our Orthodoxy 101 class is intended to help establish and strengthen the spiritual foundations of our faith. All are welcome to join, whether you are an inquirer, catechumen, or laymen. As we work through Fr Thomas Hopko's 4-volume set, The Orthodox Faith, we will discuss the basic tenets and principles as timelessly taught by the Church throughout it's history.
Fr Thomas Hopko’s 4-Volume set online for free:
To purchase your own set:
• Reader Xenophon (Kam) is hosting a live Q&A session each week on our parish's Discord server. This is a great time to ask questions or bring topics up for discussion. If you would like an invite to the Discord server, just ask Kam, John, or Rusty.
Ronia Maliha - April 3rd
John Hajji - April 5th
Gerald Palacio - April 5th
Aster Michael - April 10th
Anna Petrey - April 10th
Terik Tessima - April 13th
Dr. George Maliha - April 17th
May God grant all of you many years! 
*If you would like your birthday added, please reply to this message and I will add you to our list!
Services for this month:
Thursday, April 4th
6-7:00pm - Orthodoxy 101
Friday, April 5th
6:00pm - Small Compline and Akathist to the Theotokos w/ Fr Peter
Saturday, April 6th
6:00pm - 9th Hour & Great Vespers w/ Fr Peter
Sunday, April 7th
9:00am - Orthros w/ Fr Peter
10:00am - Divine Liturgy w/ Fr Peter
Thursday, April 11th
6-7:00pm - Orthodoxy 101
Saturday, April 13th
6:00pm - 9th Hour & Great Vespers w/ Fr Basil
Sunday,  April 14th
9:00am - Orthros w/ Fr Basil
10:00am - Divine Liturgy w/ Fr Basil
☦40 Day Memorial for Liliya Claus
Thursday, April 18th
6-7:00pm - Orthodoxy 101
Friday, April 19th
6:00pm - Small Compline and Akathist to the Theotokos w/ Fr Peter
Saturday, April 20th
9:00am - Orthros w/ Fr Peter
10:00am - Divine Liturgy w/ Fr Peter
Sunday, April 21st
9:00am - Reader's Orthros
10:00am - Typika Service & Bible Study
Thursday, April 25th
6-7:00pm - Orthodoxy 101
For a complete and updated schedule, please see our church calendar: https://www.stjohnprodromos.org/news/calendar 
Reader Services
Our Reader services are done when we do not have a priest. It begins with Orthros at 9am, followed by Typika generally around 10am. Afterwards we have Bible Study and discussion in the community hall. This is a great time for any questions that anyone may have. We invite everyone to attend!
Prayer for Catechumens
O Lord our God, who dwells in the heavens, and looks down upon all thy works, look down upon thy servants, the catechumens, who have bowed their necks before thee, and grant them a light yoke. Make them honorable members of thy holy Church and vouchsafe unto them the laver of regeneration, the forgiveness of sins and the robe of incorruption, unto the knowledge of thee, our true God.
Orthodox Prayer for the Priesthood
O Lord Jesus Christ, enkindle the hearts of all Thy priests with the fire of zealous love for Thee, that they may labor unceasingly in Thine earthly vineyard for the salvation of our souls and the glory of Thine All-Honorable and Majestic Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
How to find us:
Our website – stjohnprodromos.org
Facebook – Saint John Greek Orthodox Church Amarillo - fb.me/OrthodoxAmarillo
Gab - https://gab.com/OrthodoxAmarillo
Discord - for an invite to our Parish server, please contact Kameron or Rusty.
Tithe to our Parish - https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/4866268
Our physical address and phone number:
1101 S. Bell Street
Amarillo TX 79106
If you have any questions or would like to add any content to the monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us at stjohnprodromos@gmail.com or send a Facebook message to our church page. Natasha or Rusty will get back to you ASAP.

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