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July 2024 Newsletter
June 30, 2024
Thank you to Carl, Julie, and Stephanie S for making Prosphora! Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Arlo, Stephanie S, Logan, Kam, Jonathan, Nikita, Ethan, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Stephen, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar. Read more »

June 2024 Newsletter
May 28, 2024
Thank you! Thank you to Carl, Julie and Stephanie S for making Prosphora! Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Arlo, Stephanie S, Logan, Kam, Jonathan, Nikita, Ethan, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Wiley, Arlo and Stephen for serving in the altar. Read more »

April 2024 Newsletter
April 01, 2024
Thank you to Carl and Julie for making Prosphora in March! Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Arlo, Stephanie, Patrick, and Logan for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar. Thank you to Sarah for organizing all of our Coffee Hour meals and for Scarlett, Diana, Stephanie J, Natasha, and Julie for assistance. If you see these wonderful ladies, please tell them "thank you"! Thank you to all of the new inquirers and catechumens who are showing up and participating in all that is offered.  Read more »

March 2024 Newsletter
March 01, 2024
Thank you to Carl for making Prosphora in February! Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Arlo, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar. Read more »

February 2024 Newsletter
January 29, 2024
Thank you to Natasha for making Prosphora in January. Thank you to Carl for making Prosphora in February. Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Stephanie, Arlo, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar. Thank you to Dan and Stephanie S for cleaning the church. Thank you to Sarah, Scarlett, Natasha, Diana, Stephanie J, Julie, Evie, Shannon, Rex, and the anonymous cake-bringer for the coffee hour treats! Read more »

January 2024 Newsletter
December 29, 2023
Thank you to Natasha for making Prosphora for December and January. Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Stephanie, Nikita, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, John, Wiley and Arlo for serving in the altar. Read more »

November 2023 Newsletter
November 01, 2023
Thank you to Carl for making Prosphora. Thank you to Svetlana and Rex for garden care. Thank you to Rusty, John, Stephanie, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan, Kam, Arlo, and Wiley for serving in the altar. Thank you to all the newcomers and inquirers - we are so blessed to have you. Read more »

August 2023 Newsletter
July 31, 2023
Thank you to Natasha for making Prosphora this month. Thank you to Kevin and Diana for the meals and treats for coffee hour this month. Thank you to Tim, Jacob, Svetlana, Nikita, and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, Tim, John, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Dan and Kam for serving in the altar. Read more »

July 2023 Newsletter
July 07, 2023
Thank you to Carl for making Prosphora this month. Thank you to Tim, Jacob, Svetlana, and Rex for garden and weed care. Thank you to Rusty, Tim, John, Kam, and Patrick for chanting. Thank you to Diana, Natasha, Scarlett, and Julie for refreshments for coffee hour. Read more »

June 2023 Newsletter
June 07, 2023
Thank you to Carl for making Prosphora this month. Thank you to Rusty, John, Kameron, and Tim for your chanting. Thank you to Julie, Diana, Dwayne, and Scarlett for all of the tasty food and treats for coffee hour. Read more »

May 2023 Newsletter
May 01, 2023
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Holy Week services. Read more »

March 2023 Newsletter
February 26, 2023
Thank you to Scarlett White for the delicious treats for coffee hour and Bible Study! You have spoiled us all. Thanks to Rusty Hanson, Patrick Mickey, and John Stell for their services with Chanting. Thanks to Dan Smith and Arlo Hanson for serving in the Altar with Fr Peter. Thanks to Julie Harrison and Carl Williams for making Prosphora last month. Read more »

February 2023 Newsletter
February 12, 2023
Thank you to Scarlett White and Shelby Perez for the delicious treats for coffee hour and Bible Study! Thanks to Rusty Hanson, Patrick Mickey, and John Stell for their services with chanting, Typika, and Bible Study. Thanks to Dan Smith and Arlo Hanson for serving in the Altar with Fr Simeon and Fr Peter. Thanks to Julie Harrison and Carl Williams for making Prosphora last month. Read more »

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