February 2022 Newsletter
Thank You
Thanks to Rusty Hanson, Patrick Mickey, & John Stell for their service on chanting, Typika, & Bible study.
We like to thank Steve Watson for serving in the altar in January.
Thanks to Svetlana & the Petrey Family for taking care of the flowers, plants, lawn & weed control at the Church.
Thanks to Rex Petrey for installing new lights in the hall & in the altar.
Birthdays for month of February
Julie Harrison February 1st.
Ruth Michael February 4th.
Zufan Gebremaniam February 12th.
Allison Butler February 25th.
Services for Month of February
February 6th. 11:00 am. Typika & Bible Study
February 12th. 6:00pm. Vespers
February 13th. 9:00am. Orthros, 10:00am. Divine Liturgy
February 20th. 11:00 am. Typika & Bible Study
February 26th. 6:00pm. Vespers
February 27th. 9:00am. Orthros, 10:00am. Divine Liturgy
Parish Council Meeting
Feb. 16 @ 6:30 pm.
Typika Services
Please join us for Typika on Sundays when we do not have a priest. The service is chanted and quite beautiful. After the service we meet in the Parish Hall for Bible Study and coffee. Rusty Hanson is the facilitator. We invite everyone to attend the Typika service and join us for coffee and discussion!
Prayer for Catechumens
O Lord our God, who dwells in the heavens, and looks down upon all thy works, look down upon thy servants, the catechumens, who have bowed their necks before thee, and grant them a light yoke. Make them honorable members of thy holy Church and vouchsafe unto them the layer of regeneration, the forgiveness of sins and the robe of incorruption, unto the knowledge of thee, our true God.
Orthodox Prayer for the Priesthood
O Lord Jesus Christ, enkindle the hearts of all Thy priests with the fire of zealous love for Thee, that they may labor unceasingly in Thine earthly vineyard for the salvation of our souls and the glory of Thine All-Honorable and Majestic Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
On-going Church group activities you may be interested in participating in
St. John Orthodox Men’s group is meeting this Saturday, February 5th from 3pm to 5pm at The Chase building located at 600 S Tyler Street on the 21st floor. The men’s group is for fostering the spirit of the Orthodox faith among men of the parish. All men are welcome! This is an informal gathering for comradery and fellowship. Please contact John Stell at 806-476-8027.
We invite everyone to join the various activities on the Parish Discord Server (an online discussion application). These activities are ongoing and quite interesting for those interested. Discord is an online forum for group discussions, sharing articles and voice chat. Currently on Discord, we are following and discussing a video lecture series recorded by Metropolitan Jonah to share information about Orthodoxy with inquirers, catechumens, and all the faithful. Metropolitan Jonah is uniquely qualified to speak on this subject given his fascinating faith journey and ascent to the status of Metropolitan. The discussions take place in the Discord voice chat on Friday evenings at 8:30 P.M. If you are interested in joining, or for more information, please contact Kameron, Rusty, or John.
How to find us on Face book – Saint John Greek Orthodox Church Amarillo
Where to find us on the World Wide Web – stjohnprodromos.org
Our physical address and phone number
1101 S. Bell Street
Amarillo TX 79106